Clarix Flo®

Reclaim Your Lifestyle Naturally And Without Surgery


A simple injection of CLARIX FLO performed in your doctor’s office may help you avoid or delay surgery, restoring normal function and returning you to the active lifestyle you once enjoyed.

When Conservative Treatments Fail

Maintaining an active lifestyle after suffering from debilitating injury or disease is never easy.

Inflammatory or degenerative conditions – including osteoarthritis and plantar fasciitis, among others –can severely restrict your activity, leaving you with extreme pain and disability.

When conservative treatments fail, surgery may seem to be your only remaining option.

Regenerative Therapy May Be An Option

Over the past decade, regenerative medicine has revolutionized the treatment of many musculoskeletal conditions.

This game-changing area of medicine seeks to encourage your own body to repair itself by regenerating defective tissues.Only one innovative regenerative therapy leverages the innate restorative properties of umbilical cord.

This natural tissue-based therapy has been shown to be benficial to the body’s own healing process.

A Proven Treatment Option The Unique Regenerative Properties Of Umbilical Cord

Amniotic tissue, which includes the umbilical cord and amniotic membrane surrounding the unborn baby, has been designed by nature to allow the fetus to develop in a healthy, controlled manner, protected from outside interference or trauma.

Unlike any other tissue in your body, it also has regenerative properties to promote healing by managing scarring and inflammation. These restorative abilities come from several innate biological factors that promote tissue healing.

These biologic factors are most highly concentrated in the umbilical cord, making this an ideal tissue for use as a regenerative therapy!

Injectable Therapy

After more than 30 years of research and over 300,000 procedures, Amniox has demonstrated the safe and effective use of umbilical cord and amniotic membrane for treating a variety of conditions throughout the body.

Ask your doctor how the Amniox CLARIX FLO injectable may help your body diminish pain and improve function. With the assistance of CLARIXFLO, you can combat inflammatory & degenerative disease and injury by:

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the tissue donated?

Amniox Medical obtains the placental tissue used in all of its products through a voluntary donation program across the US.

Donor mothers provide full consent prior to delivery of a full-term, live, newborn baby via a scheduled Cesarean section. The amniotic membrane and umbilical cord, typically discarded at birth, are then processed and preserved at Amniox Medical’s state-of-the-art US-based facility as HCT/P tissues.

Is the tissue safe for implantation?

Prior to donation, all mothers are carefully screened to ensure safety, based on requirements established by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB).

Additionally, the donated tissue is thoroughly screened for infectious diseases, including HIV, Hepatitis B & C,Syphilis, West Nile, among many others.

Finally, the donated tissue is thoroughly cleaned and processed to maintain the tissue’s regenerative properties. CLARIX FLO is fully sterilized prior to shipping.

To date, after more than 500,000 procedures, there have been no reports of disease transmission or tissue rejection from amniotic tissue products produced by Amniox Medical or its family of companies. While these clinical experiences are valid, it is not possible to predictor warrant specific results, nor is it possible to guarantee patient and/or clinician satisfaction.

Ask Your Health Care Provider If Clarix Flo® Is Right For You